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Uploaded subsidy-related resources, whether via actual file upload or link to resource on another website.

Evaluating The New Zealand Individual Transferable Quota Market For Fisheries Management.

Suzi Kerr, Richard Newell, Jim Sanchirico. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust. Assesses the New Zealand ITQ system to identify areas of success and/or possible improvement or expansion within it. Highlights features of the New Zealand ITQ system that are relevant to other potential tradable permit markets.

International Work on Fishing Subsidies: An Update.

Ronald P. Steenblik and Gordon R. Munro, OECD Publication. This paper is an update of one prepared for the First Workshop of the EU Concerted Action on Economics and the Common Fisheries Policy, 28-30 October 1998. Like that paper, it surveys current international work in the area of subsidies to the fisheries sector (as of end-May 1999), with particular reference to ongoing activities in the OECD, the FAO, the CSD, APEC and the WTO.