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Easy Money, Hidden Costs: Applying Precautionary Economic Analysis To Coalbed Methane In The Powder River Basin.

Joshua Skov and Nancy Myers, Science and Environmental Health Network. Free access to groundwater resources for coal risks is depleting the scarcest resource in the West (water) to produce subsidized gas. Since groundwater is a common resource crossing many property lines, there is little logic for allowing free extraction of this resource.

Hardrock Reclamation Bonding Practices in the Western United States.

James R. Kuipers. All the states require some form of "reclamation bonding" to ensure that mining operations are conducted responsibly and reduce their liability in the event mining companies fail to fulfill their responsibilities. Bonding levels may be inadequate or insufficiently enforced. Kuipers reviews bonding policies for one part of the US.

Silence is Golden, Leaden, and Copper: Disclosure of Material Environmental Information in the Hard Rock Mining Industry.

Robert Repetto. The adequacy of Canadian and US mining companies' disclosures of material environmental information were found to be deficient, especially in the disclosure to investors of known material environmental risks and liabilities.