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Uploaded subsidy-related resources, whether via actual file upload or link to resource on another website.

Removing Energy Subsidies in Developing and Transition Economies.

Matthew Saunders and Karen Schneider. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. June 2000. Australia is only one case in this international overview of problems with subsidies. AUSTRALIA, CANADA, UNITED STATES, JAPAN, EUROPEAN UNION, FORMER SOVIET UNION, EASTERN EUROPE, CHINA, INDONESIA, KOREA, THAILAND, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, MEXICO, ARGENTINA.

Subsidies and Sustainable Rural Energy Services: Can We Create Incentives Without Distorting Markets?

Douglas F. Barnes and Jonathan Halpern, The World Bank. Paper analyzes the difficulties in trying to extend basic energy services to poor or remote populations in an efficient manner. They note many examples where substantial funding has subsidized wealthier members of the population rather than the poor as originally planned.