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The politics of ethanol outshine its costs

.."Boosting ethanol production is the political equivalent of motherhood and apple pie these days. Politicians on both sides of the aisle as well as presidential candidates eager to do well in Iowa, the nation's No. 1 ethanol-producing state, are behind the measure, unglamorously named the "Renewable Fuels Standard." The RFS, part of the energy bill in the Senate, is so popular that it may be enough to ram through energy legislation this year, despite bitter disagreements over other parts of the bills...

Farm Paid

Farm subsidies are the ultimate cash crop. Farmers in rich countries get $1 billion per day in government hand-outs. To be fair, that figure rounds up the numbers, counts agribusinesses and small farmers, and defines subsidies broadly to include tariffs, export credits and other supports. But, give a million or two a day, the order of magnitude is right. By that measure, agriculture is far and away the world's the most protected industry.

Bioethanol Boondoggle

...Promoters of the ethanol mandate assert that it would help the United States achieve energy independence and slow the accumulation of greenhouse gases that are driving climate change. Evaluating the scientific and economic claims being made for bioethanol can be vexing, but a few urgent questions come to mind: if bioethanol is such a good energy deal, why must refiners and consumers be forced to use it?

Biofuels in the Transport Sector: Promoting Policy Neutrality.

Presentation to the World Bank Transport Forum outlines a number of principles for good alternative fuel policy that focuses on displacing petroleum consumption in transport rather than trying to select the winning technology.  (March 2007).  A more detailed policy description, for comment, can be found in Remaking Biofuels Policy:  Neutrality and Competition. (April 2007).

Biofuels - At What Cost? Government support for ethanol and biodiesel in the United States: 2007 Update.

ReportSummary slides from release.  Growing production and more subsidies converge to trigger an estimated $93 billion in support to ethanol and biodiesel for the 2006-12 period.  The report also contains a detailed review of the large and potentially environmentally harmful biofuels subsidies in the pending Energy and Farm bills. Prepared fo the Global Subsidies Initiative. (Oct. 2007).