Energy Subsidies and the Environment
in Subsidies and Environment: Exploring the Linkages, Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1996, pp. 201-218.
in Subsidies and Environment: Exploring the Linkages, Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1996, pp. 201-218.
Published by the Alliance to Save Energy, 1993. Cover. Main report (PDF). Technical appendix.
Prepared for the National Recycling Coalition, 2001.
Extremely detailed, widely peer-reviewed, examination of subsidies to oil in the United States throughout every stage of the fuel cycle. Includes plain-language explanations of how different types of subsidy programs operate and why the are valuable to the recipient industries. This is useful background for subsidy policies even outside of the energy arena. The report includes evaluations of tax policies, direct government programs, loan subsidies, leasing arrangements, and post-closure and accident liabilities.
Learn about the power of Policy-Enhanced Investing to turn nuclear power from the dog of Wall Street into the mightily-hyped favored solution for all of the US' energy woes in this tongue-and-cheek strategic review of the industry.
Updated estimates of subsidies to nuclear energy showing that 60-90% of the cost of new nuclear power is the result of public subsidy rather than private investment. Prepared for the Nuclear Policy Institute Symposium on Nuclear Power and Global Warming, November 2005.
Presentation to the OECD Workshop on Subsidy Reform and Sustainable Development, Helsinki, Finland. (June 2006).
Prepared with Industrial Economics for the US EPA's Office of Water and the Office of Planning, Analysis, and Accountability. May 2002.
April 2003. Prepared with Industrial Economics, Inc. for the US EPA's Office of Planning, Analysis, and Accountability and the Office of Solid Waste.
Presentation (in Powerpoint) at the 2nd Annual OECD Technical Expert Meeting on Environmentally Harmful Subsidies, Paris, 3-4 November 2003. Provides and overview of the political dynamics of subsidies and the structural challenges to reforming them.