
An Analysis of Federal Incentives Used to Stimulate Energy Production.

Pacific Northwest Laboratory (operated by Battelle Memorial Institute) for the US Department of Energy. Very detailed historical data on production subsidies to multiple fuels and the origination of many federal programs. Includes information on federal investments into many large hydro dams and in the TVA. Provides useful perspective on the substantial federal subsidies that bolstered large scale hydro and fission power for decades.

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Energy Production and Residential Heating: Taxation, Subsidies, and Comparative Costs.

Duane Chapman, Kathleen Cole, and Michael Slott of Cornell University for the Ohio River Basin Energy Study. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development. Report is one of a number that Chapman worked on during this time to quantify the tremendous value of capital subsidies to nuclear power. See, for example, tables 4, 5, and 10, for the role of tax subsidies in making nuclear electric competitive (even excluding the other fuel cycle subsidies it receives).