
Collaboration across sectors needed

Translating the complexities of our government subsidies report into an accessible and inspiring summary and call to action is no easy task. This video, commissioned by Business for Nature and The B Team, does a great job.


Protecting Nature by Reforming Environmentally Harmful Subsidies: The Role of Business

Industry-specific reviews of government subsidies have been much more common than analyses examining several natural resource sectors at once. Yet there is a great deal of overlap across sectors. Indeed, it is the combination of support provided by multiple levels of government and government programs, across numerous natural resource areas, that can accelerate resource depletion, pollution, or habitat loss in particular regions.

Les aides publiques dommageables à la biodiversité (Public Subsidies Harmful to Biodiversity)

The report provides an extremely detailed review of policies within France that have the effect of harming biodiversity, though does not rank these subsidies in terms of which are most damaging.  The report looks at a vast array of policies that encourage urban sprawl, over-exploitation of resources, and the introduction of exotic species, in the process triggering habitat loss.  The analysis also looks at subsidies to pollution.  Although the authors were able to quantify many specific subsidy items, they were not able to present an aggregate tally due to the complexity of some of the prog

Effects of Energy and Transportation Projects on Soybean Expansion in the Madeira River Basin

A number of energy and transportation projects have been proposed to promote the physical integration of Peru, Brazil and Bolivia's Amazon territories. The Madeira River Hydroelectric and Navigation Mega-project includes the construction of two hydroelectric power stations (HPS), Jirau and Santo Antônio, in Brazil, a third HPS between Abunã in Brazil and Guayaramerín in Bolivia, and probably a fourth at the Esperanza Falls on the Beni River in Bolivia.