fossil fuel subsidies

Natural gas fracking well in Louisiana

Subsidy measurement is a pre-requisite to any effective program of subsidy reform, whether through the WTO, the G20, or domestic policy initiatives.  Too often, policy makers take accurate and comprehensive subsidy measurement as a given.  It isn't.  In fact, making subsidies difficult to measure can be part of a political strategy to slow or block reform.  It is no accident that subsidy mechanisms able to transfer value without easily-tracked government cash flows are popular -- purchase mandates, tax breaks and loan guarantees are examples.  FF sub paper Aug10

In light of the growing recognition that fossil fuel subsidy reform needs to occur in tandem with efforts to constrain carbon through taxes or caps, and that information on producer subsidies is often lacking, Earth Track teamed up with the Global Subsidies Initiative in Geneva to evaluate the availability of subsidy data in four case study countries. The FiFo Institute of Public Economics at the University of Cologne, and two independent energy researchers also supported the effort.

While we did identify a number of fossil fuel subsidies, the focus of this research was on data availability, examinining how information varied across subsidy types and countries.  The result of this effort, Mapping the Characteristics of Producer Subsidies: A review of pilot country studies has just been released.   The report provides an overview of data availability for each country, along with a more detailed subsidy data review in template form that includes url links to source materials.

Case studies of subsidy data availability were done for China, Germany, Indonesia, and the United States.  The countries were chosen to model data availability under a variety of conditions:  energy market importance, type of governance, and levels of transparency.  The project team hopes that others will replicate this work in a broader array of countries, and that the data review can be used to produce a detailed analysis of fossil fuels within the case study countries in the near future.

Among the key findings:

  • Standardized review highlights data gaps, ensures systematic assessment of policies.  Many prior energy policy reviews have focused on the information that is most available within each country.  While intuitive, this approach may miss some of the most important subsidy policies, often less visible and that may never have been quantified.  To overcome this limitation, it is critical to use a standardized template of subsidy mechanisms, and for researchers to systematically assess each type of policy.  In addition to ensuring no types of subsidies are skipped, the template clearly highlights data gaps.  Some training of researchers so they become comfortable with less familiar transfer mechanisms will be needed. 
  • Evaluation team requires mix of skills.  Accessing data proved to be quite difficult in countries with limited transparency.  The research requires a mixture of expertise to carry out successfully.  First, policy-type expertise is needed in order to evaluate complex subsidy mechanisms across countries.  Second, strong local knowledge of language, cultural operating norms, and governance structure is needed within each country in order to effectively navigate domestic data sources and bureaucracies. 
  • General transparency aligns with accessibility of subsidy data.  Countries with a variety of mechanisms supporting data disclosure (e.g., private capital markets; audited financial statements even for public institutions; mandatory reporting and publication of detailed budgets, tax expenditures and credit subsidies; and public liability and rights to litigate) had better information in each category of subsidy than those countries without a culture of transparency.  The deficit can be partly addressed in less transparent countries by using more researchers with larger budgets.  Fully addressing the gaps, however, may not occur until the country itself views subsidy transparency as benefitting its own broader interests rather than harming them.  Building this case will be important, and will likely encompass fiscal, trade, environmental, and competiveness elements.
  • Complex subsidy mechanisms had relatively worse data in all case study countries.  Though more transparent countries generally had more comprehensive and accessible subsidy data than less transparent countries in all categories, the relative quality of data within countries showed similar patterns.  For example, data on tax expenditures, credit subsidies, purchase mandates, and subsidies through government-owned enterprises were of relatively worse quality than direct expenditures in all countries evaluated.
  • Sub-national subsidy data lacking in most cases.  Subsidy policies at the sub-national level (state/province, country, municipality) were poorly characterized and quantified in nearly all cases.
  • Producer subsidies are significant even in developing world.  Conventional wisdom notes that the developing world primaily subsidizes fossil fuel consumers while the developed world primarily subsidizes producers.  Our case studies indicate that producer subsidies are also pervasive in the developing world.

Mapping the Characteristics of Producer Subsidies: A review of pilot country studies

The ability to undertake any meaningful subsidy reforms, either nationally or multilaterally, is hampered by a basic lack of knowledge about the extent of support to the sector and where information on this support might be held. This multi-country research effort identifying and classifying different sources of data on fossil-fuel subsidies has begun to characterize the extent and nature of subsidy programs, identifying the analytical challenges that need to be overcome in order to de-subsidize.

Gaining Traction: The importance of transparency in accelerating the reform of fossil-fuel subsidies

An accurate picture of the level and nature of subsidization is a necessary first step towards reform. Reliable  information facilitates an assessment of the subsidy's costs, distribution and impacts, and the development of effective strategies for reform. At the international level, it provides a foundation for dialogue on reform and for monitoring of progress towards de-subsidization.

Petroleum Product Subsidies: Costly, Inequitable, and Rising

Petroleum product subsidies have again started to rise with the rebound in international prices. This note reviews recent developments in subsidy levels and argues that it is necessary to reform the policy framework for setting petroleum product prices in order to reduce the fiscal burden of these subsidies and to address climate change. In 2003, global consumer subsidies for petroleum products totaled nearly $60 billion. They are projected to reach almost $250 billion in 2010.

Natural gas fracking well in Louisiana

After my last post on the new subsidies to nuclear power, inquiries have started to come in on Obama's plan to end subsidies to fossil fuels.  A common question is whether his plan would really end subsidies to fossil fuels entirely. 

The simple answer is "no". 

Although implementing their proposed changes would save close to $4 billion per year, my past tallies (even ignoring the steady stream of new fossil fuel subsidies over the past five years or so) have been in the tens of billions of dollars per year.  Unfortunately, there are many subsidies that his reform plan ignores.  But before delving in to these important exclusions, it is useful to begin with the positives.

First, the Administration seems serious about ending a number of tax breaks that have been supporting fossil fuel extraction for nearly a century in some cases (percentage depletion was extended to oil and gas operations in the 1920s, for example).  They are trying to roll back a number of newer subsidies to the sector as well, including the rapid amortization of geological and geophysical expenses, and the eligibility for fossil fuels for the domestic manufacturing tax deduction.  They are also calling to a close the entitlement game that has followed the Abandoned Mine Lands fund, enabling states to spend the fees slated to clean up old coal sites on non-coal uses just because the fees were collected on coal operations in their state.  Tempers flare here, with Congress members in the affected states staking claim to AML funds as fiercely as a Bostonian claims his just-shoveled street parking spot.  Montana, for example, already uses the funds to clean up hard rock mine sites as well as coal mining, and wants to continue so.  I'd much prefer levying similar fees directly on sales of the hard-rock minerals such as silver, gold, and uranium that left a massive mess throughout the Western US to allowing unfettered use of coal cleanup fees.

Second, the Administration took a leadership position in moving the issue of fossil fuel subsidy reform to the G20 agenda.  The pledge (see paragraph 29) to strip these subsidies, issued in September 2009, is far too general to be operational yet.  However, it is among the most significant steps aimed at systematic fossil fuel subsidy reform that I've seen over my 20 years following the issue.  The institutions slated to examine the scale and scope of energy subsidies in paragraph 30 of the leader's statement really are doing so.  The IEA, OECD, World Bank, and OPEC are talking and trying to figure out the path forward.  In November 2009, APEC member countries endorsed the same subsidy phase-out goal.  True, these pledges remain mere words on paper, and will be fought fiercely by the beneficiaries of the current policies.  But the direction and intent is more clear than I have seen before.  A consensus that it makes little sense to both constrain greenhouse gases via climate change mitigation policies while concurrently subsidizing them is beginning to emerge.

So what's the problem?  A big one is that the Administration continues to have a paternalistic view of energy markets where their experts know which energy sources are naughty and which are nice, and they dole out the goodies accordingly.  Percentage depletion allowances for coal certaintly make no sense.  But neither do multi-billion dollar loan guarantees to "clean" coal plants; or tax credits or liability caps for carbon capture and sequestration technologies.  If carbon intensity is important, let energy prices reflect this, and direct investment and consumption patterns based on these more accurate price signals.

The Administration's end-goals sometimes get all mucked up.  If their budget is stripping fossil subsidies to save money, don't  undo all the savings by earmarking more than $50 billion in loan guarantees and direct loans to build privately-owned nuclear reactors, and billions more to coal plants. 

What about trying to remove subsidies to fossil fuels in order to improve the pricing of carbon emissions?  If that were true, why don't we see any subsidy reform dealing with land use change and growing subsidies to strip and burn all sorts of biomass?  Even in the coal sector, if coal -- despite being "clean" and with CCS -- has a higher carbon intensity per unit energy delivered than many other technologies; or takes longer; or has a higher risk of failing to deliver, why rig the contest?  And why is it the job of the US taxpayer to fund the transition from conventional coal to something better?  I don't pay for new microchip development, new pharmaceuticals, or improved sneakers unless the innovation works and I buy the resultant product.  The companies take the upfront risk and pay for it themselves -- though the stakes are often high.  Fortunes are won and lost in the process.  But (banking industry aside), they are not taxpayer fortunes.

In fact, as far as I've seen, the coal industry itself hasn't stepped up to the table with a research program commensurate with the an understanding that its carbon content may pose an existential threat.  Far from it.  A detailed compilation of coal industry financial performance versus investment in new technologies released by the Center for American Progress in mid-2009 found roughly 2 cents of every dollar of profit was reinvested in trying to develop the technical improvements that would allow coal to survive economically in a carbon-constrained world.  And even here, nearly all of the projects relied on substantial public co-funding.  Total quantified private funding on CCS projects was only $3.5 billion; total profits for the period 2003-08 were nearly $300 billion.  Surely if it isn't important enough for company executives and shareholders to put their cash on the line, how can one rightfully ask taxpayers to do it?

Well, maybe it's energy security that is the problem driving their subsidy reform selections.  If that were true, however, then why focus only on subsidies to domestic production while ignoring the large subsidies to international enegy extraction operations? 

No matter how the Administration ranks these end goals, we'd be far better off if they built a neutral policy framework within which the boosters of particular energy solutions would put their own capital at risk and be forced to compete against alternatives lower carbon, more secure, or most cost-effective solutions.

Subsidy reform is a good first step; but only if major things are not left out.  We're not quite there yet.  Here's my initial take at the  subsidies left out of the Obama budget proposal:

The Left-out List, a First Cut

The following programs provide substantial subsidies to domestic fossil fuels, yet are not addressed in the Obama budget proposal:

  • Oil defense.  This includes costs to build, run, and finance oil stockpiles in the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve; and defense of key oil infrastructure, including pipelines and oil shipping lanes.
  • Inadequate user fees to build and maintain inland waterway systems  (bulk coal and oil comprise more than 50% of the tonnage moved through that system); and related subsidies to coastal shipping.
  • Foreign tax credits on foreign energy operations that are really disguised royalties (flagged as the largest oil subsidy in a recent ELI study).  
  • Caps on oil spill liability below reasonable damage levels.
  • Inadequate bonding for fossil fuel extraction on federal lands (there are related subsidies at the state level as well).
  • Royalty reductions for selected offshore resources.
  • Subsidies resulting from improper measurement or collection of royalties on federal leases.
  • Tax credits (section 45Q) and liability caps for CCS.
  • Loan guarantees for clean coal and other coal technologies.
  • Credit subsidies to fossil-fired electricity generation through federal power marketing administrations, the Tennessee Valley Authority, or through programs run by the Rural Utilities Service.
  • Accelerated depreciation (other than expensing, which is slated for elimination) for asset classes within the fossil fuel sector.
  • Tax-exempt bonding for pollution control equipment, heavily used by coal-fired power plants.
  • Subsidies to export of fossil-fuel related goods and services via Eximbank, OPIC, and US commitments to multi-lateral lending institutions such as the World Bank.
  • Funding of energy-related environmental remediation or worker health (e.g., black lung) from general funds rather than from energy-specific user fees.
  • Federal loan guarantees on the Alaska natural gas pipeline