Analysis of the Scope of Energy Subsidies and Suggestions for the G-20 Initiative (and Related Documents)

This joint report to the G20 Finance Ministers and Leaders was issued by the IEA, OPEC, OECD and World Bank in response to a request by G20 Leaders when they met in Pittsburgh in September 2009. At that time, leaders agreed to “rationalize and phase out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption” and asked the study authors to jointly provide "an analysis of the scope of energy subsidies and suggestions for the implementation of this G20 country initiative”.
Topics covered include the definition and scope of energy subsidies, preliminary subsy estimates, and identification of gaps and disagreements on measurement. The report also includes modelling of socio-economic and trade impacts of subsidy phase-out, impacts on the environment and energy sector, and suggestions on implementation in order to minimize negative social impacts of reform.
Related documents include:
1) Annex to the joint report including country reports on planned reforms:
2) OECD Background Papers for the Joint Report to the G20:
- Measuring Support to Energy - Version 1.0, OECD Secretariat (2010);
- An Overview of the OECD ENV-Linkages Model, Burniaux, J-M. and J. Chateau (2010).
3) Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation commentary on the G20 joint report:
- Joint Report to the G20 on Energy Subsidies: A Critical Review, Ali Aissaoui, Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (2010).
4) Global Subsidies Initiative